Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cross Purposes - Cross The Infinite Divide?
(cartoon source)
I was one of the 8 million who watched Question Time on the BBC last week. That inspired me to google 'cultural diversity BNP'. What would an oxymoran like that throw up?

The column piece below (from The Times no less) popped up and fair blew my mind. I think it artfully sums up the challenge for us as individuals, as cultural members and, importantly in the context of this blog, as geographers.

From this relative viewpoint, you would be doing yourself a favour by clicking below (come back though):

...I wonder, much like the author, how we can ever get certainty in moral and cultural issues, no matter how much critical debate we have.

...but just to take this line of thought to the Nth level, I leave you with this quote from Frank Herbert's 'Heretics Of Dune' and a little something of my own:

"Most discipline is hidden discipline, designed not to liberate but to limit. Do not ask Why? Be cautious with How? Why? leads inexorably to paradox. How? traps you in a universe of cause and effect. Both deny the infinite."

Now science is banging on the infinite's door and global issues gain intensity, maybe it's time to take the possibility of the infinite seriously.

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